
Laser Pointers

Two - photon Excited Laser Scanning Real - time Stereomicroscope





Two - photon Excited Laser Scanning Real - time Stereomicroscope

Recently, the State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, the Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "Transient Room") has successfully developed a two-photon excited strongest laser pointer scanning real-time stereomicroscope. Microscopic methods and high-resolution two-photon excited laser scanning fluorescence microscopy combine to achieve high-speed stereoscopic imaging of three-dimensional fluorescent samples and are authorized for national invention patents.

Contemporary life science research has made increasing demands for optical microscopy - higher spatial resolution, greater imaging depth, and faster imaging speed. Especially for biological in vivo microsurgery, the scattering of light from biological tissue greatly increases the noise, which seriously affects the spatial resolution and imaging depth. In order to improve the imaging depth, two-photon excited 300mw green laser scanning fluorescence microscopy technology has been widely used in the field of nerve imaging since the 1990s, but its imaging method of point-by-point scanning has seriously restricted the imaging speed. Because the depth of view of the high-resolution optical microscope is very small, it is necessary to complete the three-dimensional imaging of the sample, usually need dozens of layers or even hundreds of layers of two-dimensional image of the superposition of reconstruction, image acquisition and processing generally takes several minutes or even tens of minutes Fast and real-time acquisition and display of three-dimensional images is very difficult.

laser pointer

Transient chamber super-resolution imaging team under the leadership of the researchers Yao Baoli and Ye Tong, the binocular vision principle and the Bessel beam to produce the expansion focal field, proposed by the four galvanometer composed of burning lasers for sale beam stereoscopic scanning device, The control of the three positions of the Beerle beam and the inclination of the Bezier beam is achieved, which breaks the limitation of the traditional laser scanning with only two degrees of freedom. By means of the optimal design and control of the three-dimensional scanning device, the three-degree-of-freedom fast scanning of the Bezier beam can be realized, and the double-view angle can be switched on the order of milliseconds to solve the double- Optical path at the same time imaging technology, for the first time to achieve a real-time laser scanning based on dual-view stereoscopic imaging and display system. The system can be three-dimensional dynamic imaging of the sample and real-time binocular stereoscopic observation, the three-dimensional imaging speed than the traditional point-by-point scanning method increased by one to two orders of magnitude. The two-photon 200mw green laser stereomicroscope system provides a new observation tool for 3D real-time imaging and display of living organisms.

"It allows us to view the dynamic 3D microcosm in real time like watching a three-dimensional movie without the need for light slicing without the need for time-consuming three-dimensional image reconstruction." Yang Yanlong so summarized the characteristics of this system, he is responsible for the design and completion of the three Scanning and imaging the key parts of the display. "Binocular vision imaging is a very efficient way to obtain three-dimensional information, but the existing 100mw laser pointer stereomicroscope, spatial resolution and depth of field are mutually constrained, and we use three degrees of freedom to scan the Bezier beam for nonlinear fluorescence excitation to break through this limit."

This research has been carried out from the basic principle verification, the key technological breakthrough to the prototype prototype, and has experienced all aspects of basic research to application integration under the support of the "100 people program" and the National Natural Science Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At present, the research group is working with relevant scientific research institutions at home and abroad to carry out biomedical application of 30mw laser pointer cooperative research, as soon as possible to apply the technology to the biological in vivo three-dimensional rapid imaging and display areas.







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